Quote Typography

These text styles are for use in with the glider component.

Quote Heading

The heading is meant to be used above a glider.


What Students are Saying


<h4 class="cmp-quote-heading">What Students are Saying</h4>

Quote Text

This text style is for use in a glider slide to style the main quote text.


Even though I only see them a handful of times a year, I consider my fellow students some of my dearest friends. You’re never alone. I don’t want to trivialize this degree and compare the program to summer camp, but that’s the mentality behind our relationships. I know I’ll have this loving network for the rest of my life.


<p class="cmp-quote-text">Even though I only see them a handful of times a year, I consider my fellow students some of my dearest friends. You’re never alone. I don’t want to trivialize this degree and compare the program to summer camp, but that’s the mentality behind our relationships. I know I’ll have this loving network for the rest of my life.</p>

Quote Credit

This text style is for use in a glider slide to style text that is complementary to the quote.


Sarra Sedghi, Freelancer
MFA, '17


<p class="cmp-quote-credit">Sarra Sedghi, Freelancer<br>MFA, '17</p>