Documentation/ Grid

The grid system we are using for page layouts is based on a 12 column grid with 20px gutters between each column. Grid classes can be nested if needed for more complex layouts.

Simple Grid

Most grid layouts are going to use either a two, three, or four column layout. The basic grid system includes all of the classes needed to create a simple layout with class names that are spelled out and easy to read.

    <div class="obj-grid">
      <div class="obj-grid__full"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__half"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__half"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__quarter"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__quarter"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__quarter"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__quarter"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__two-third"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__quarter"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__three-quarter"></div>
Class Description
.obj-grid This is the class on the container that wraps around the grid columns.
.obj-grid__full For columns that span the entire width of the grid (12 columns).
.obj-grid__three-quarter For columns that three quarter width of the grid (9 columns).
.obj-grid__two-third For columns that span two third width of the grid (8 columns).
.obj-grid__half For columns that span half of the width of the grid (6 columns).
.obj-grid__third For columns that span a third of the width of the grid (4 columns).
.obj-grid__quarter For columns that span a quarter of the width of the grid (3 columns).

Responsive Grid

To adjust a the width of a column at different breakpoints you can add @sm, @md, @lg, @xl after any of the grid classes:

    <div class="obj-grid">
      <div class="obj-grid__half obj-grid__third@sm"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__half obj-grid__third@sm"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__full obj-grid__third@sm"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__full obj-grid__quarter@md"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__full obj-grid__half@md"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__full obj-grid__quarter@md"></div>

Extended Grid

In addition to the simple grid system there is an extended grid system that allows for any combination of a 12 column grid system. The extended grid system can also be used responsively in the same way that as the gimple grid system.

    <div class="obj-grid">
      <div class="obj-grid__1-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__11-12"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__2-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__10-12"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__3-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__9-12"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__4-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__8-12"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__5-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__7-12"></div>

      <div class="obj-grid__6-12"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__6-12"></div>
Class Description
.obj-grid This is the class on the container that wraps around the grid columns.
.obj-grid__12-12 For columns that span the entire width of the grid (12 columns).
.obj-grid__11-12 For columns that span 11/12ths of the grid (11 columns).
.obj-grid__10-12 For columns that span 5/6ths width of the grid (10 columns).
.obj-grid__9-12 For columns that three quarter width of the grid (9 columns).
.obj-grid__8-12 For columns that span two third width of the grid (8 columns).
.obj-grid__7-12 For columns that span 7/12ths width of the grid (7 columns).
.obj-grid__6-12 For columns that span half of the width of the grid (6 columns).
.obj-grid__5-12 For columns that span 5/12ths width of the grid (5 columns).
.obj-grid__4-12 For columns that span a third of the width of the grid (4 columns).
.obj-grid__3-12 For columns that span a quarter of the width of the grid (3 columns).
.obj-grid__2-12 For columns that span one sixth width of the grid (2 columns).
.obj-grid__1-12 For columns that span 1/12th width of the grid (1 columns).

Grid Gap

Grid gap class defines the size of the gap between the columns in a grid layout. To adjust a the width of a gap at different breakpoints you can add @sm, @md, @lg, @xl after any of the grid gap classes.

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-xs">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-sm">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-md">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-lg">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-xl">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>

    <div class="obj-grid obj-grid--gap-xxl">
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
      <div class="obj-grid__third"></div>
Class Description
.obj-grid--gap-xs Adds a extra small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--gap-sm Adds a small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--gap-md Adds a medium gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--gap-lg Adds a large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--gap-xl Adds a extra large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--gap-xxl Adds a extra extra large gap between the elements.

Grid Column Gap

Grid column gap class defines the size of the gap between only the columns in a grid layout. To adjust a the width of a gap at different breakpoints you can add @sm, @md, @lg, @xl after any of the grid gap classes.

Class Description
.obj-grid--column-gap-xs Adds a extra small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--column-gap-sm Adds a small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--column-gap-md Adds a medium gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--column-gap-lg Adds a large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--column-gap-xl Adds a extra large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--column-gap-xxl Adds a extra extra large gap between the elements.

Grid Row Gap

Grid row gap class defines the size of the gap between only the rows in a grid layout. To adjust a the width of a gap at different breakpoints you can add @sm, @md, @lg, @xl after any of the grid gap classes.

Class Description
.obj-grid--row-gap-xs Adds a extra small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--row-gap-sm Adds a small gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--row-gap-md Adds a medium gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--row-gap-lg Adds a large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--row-gap-xl Adds a extra large gap between the elements.
.obj-grid--row-gap-xxl Adds a extra extra large gap between the elements.